Thursday, May 15, 2014

On A Side Note...

When it comes to finding the absolute right photo for a project, it take a lot, and I mean a LOT of digging through files, web pages and references to find that which fits your project perfectly.

It has to be an image that reflects that which represents your vision perfectly, and sometimes if the image you are looking for is impossible to find, you need to plan and schedule a photo shoot in order to complete your vision... and believe me, it is not an easy task.

But is it impossible? Heck no. It just takes time and effort... dedication to your craft.

BUT.. when in a time crunch you have no option but to use stock photography, and that can be a blessing or a hindrance, so be sure you take the time necessary to find that which represents your creation perfectly.

Don't settle for less than perfection in your creation. In the end you need to remember... your name will travel with the piece you create.

Make it worth a damn.

Be proud of what you design and say 'Yup, I did that...', then sit back and smile as you hear people offer their praises.

It's what every designer wants... to hear people say 'Wow that is awesome!'

No better feeling in the designers mind, believe me. It's not always about the monetary compensation... it's mostly about evoking the emotion you wish to achieve which separates a good design from a great design.

Been there. Done that. And I am still learning.

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